6 bricks fun!

We had so much fun using our 6 Lego duplo blocks in many ways this week!

We started by choosing our favourite colour and went into groups to make the biggest towers we could!

Then we played desk twister where we listened to various instructions e.g. put your left thumb on your green brick, your nose on your orange brick and your right elbow on your red brick. It was so much fun!

We also followed instructions, played memory games and worked together to make different structures.

On Friday, 1st and 2nd used their mats to work on addition tables. Tables has never been so much fun!


Our Christmas Concert!

We just cannot wait to perform in The Celtic Ross Hotel this coming Monday night at 7:15pm! The Junior Room will be performing ‘Ralph the Reindeer’ while the Senior Room will entertain you with ‘Straw and Order’.

The pupils have worked so hard and we promise a fun filled night with lots of laughter!



In the midst of all the recent cold weather we had some lovely sneachta in Reenascreena but unfortunately it didn’t stick. It was nice to see it while staying warm and cosy inside!

Infant Winter Art

The pupils of Junior and Senior Infants created beautiful Christmas trees today. This involved cutting, sticking, painting and careful deliberation about decorations! I think you’ll agree the end result is just fantastic. Maith sibh, a pháistí!

Junior Room visits a Mobile Zoo!

We were delighted to take a bus to the Pike Hall this morning to visit a mobile zoo which had travelled from Kilkenny. David the zookeeper told us some very interesting facts about the blue tongued lizard, tortoises and snakes. We even got to hold the reptiles as well!

Senior Room – Maths Mobile

Today the pupils of the Senior Room attended a Maths Mobile workshop in The Pike hall, Lisavaird organised by The Lifetime Lab in Cork.

It was a series of mathmatical challenges which encouraged teamwork, critical thinking and gave opportunities to problem solve in a fun environment.

Everyone really enjoyed the experience!

Visit from a Champ!

We were delighted to welcome the captain of Rosscarbery Ladies Gaelic Football U12 team to school this morning. She is none other than our own past pupil Annie! Annie and her teamates won the Cork County League recently and we all got a good look at the trophy! We heard from Annie and one of the coaches, her uncle Conor, about their road to the final and the very tough game they battled through to claim the title.

Well done Annie, you are an inspiration to us all and the Senior Room pupils were fired up and ready for Sciath na Scol action after learning of your great success. Watch out West Cork!

Enrolment 2023

We will begin taking enrolments for the year 2023-2024 after the midterm break.

You can view our Admission Policy here. This was reviewed at our most recent Board of Management meeting earlier this month.

You can view the schedule for enrolments by clicking on our Admission Notice here. This details key dates in the process.

Finally, you can view our information booklet for the current school year by clicking here. You will find the relevant enrolment information that we require contained within.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with me, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing principal@reenascreenans.ie

Eimear O’Donovan, Príomhoide

Sacraments 2023

We are delighted to share the news that the 4 schools of the parish will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on March 13th 2023 and Sacrament of First Holy Communion on May 13th 2023. Both ceremonies will be held at St. Fachtna’s Church, Rosscarbery.

We look forward to working with our pupils, their families and Fr. John to prepare for what is sure to be a very memorable day in both cases.

1st and 2nd Scaveneger Hunt!

1st and 2nd had great fun inside and outside completing a Scavenger Hunt for Maths week. They worked together to complete such tasks as finding something smaller than their thumb; bigger than their hand; evidence of patterns; estimating how many star jumps they could do in a minute and many more maths-related activities. It was so much fun!

Maths week fun!

Junior and Senior Infants had so much fun using their Maths Eyes to spot circles, squares, triangles and rectangles in our school environment. They then worked together to make shapes using pegs. Maith sibh, a pháistí!

Trip to Clonakilty Black Pudding Factory!

The whole school took off on tour this morning and we had a terrific day at the Black Pudding Factory!

We learned about the history of black pudding, how it’s made, saw the production in action, learned about some of the history of Clonakilty and best of all – got to taste some delicious black, white and vegetarian pudding as well as sausages. The staff of the factory complimented the pupils on their magnificent behaviour which of course was not news to those of us lucky enough to work with these fantastic children every day but was lovely to hear all the same!


Six bricks

We recently invested in a programme called ‘Six bricks’. It is a very simple concept whereby pupils each have 6 Lego duplo bricks which they can use in endless ways including:

• Language such as describing in rich detail, giving clear instructions, explaining your reasons, and telling stories, which helps you to communicate with others and express your ideas.
• Problem solving including to stay focused, and remember a task or a challenge, set goals and make plans, come up with creative ideas,and reflect on what you do and how you do it.
• Collaboration as in working together in pairs or teams, share turns and the materials you work with, learn from your peers and their ideas, and give each other roles and responsibilities.

We had so much fun today and look forward to exploring more in the coming days!

Senior Room trip to the Warren

The pupils of the Senior Room had a fantastic day at The Warren Beach today. We are so lucky to live in this beautiful part of the world! Our pupils learned about various aspects of ecology in the company of Calvin Jones from the Heritage in Schools project.  An exhausting but enjoyable day all round!

Hands on Maths

Concrete materials provide wonderful learning opportunities and help to consolidate crucial mathematical topics.

Today, Infants worked together to sort objects by colour and then classified according to their type while 1st and 2nd used Numicon to assist them with addition.

Plenty fun was had along the way!

Friday Funday in the Junior Room!

Pupils from Juniors – 2nd were very busy today. Our book of the week was ‘Oi frog!’ and everyone drew their favourite part. The results are simply amazing! Everyone’s individual picture is on their Seesaw account so parents please log in to see for yourself!

We also had our first Golden Time of the year as a reward for great work and great behaviour all week. There was lots of sharing and endless laughing!

Maith sibh a pháistí, your teacher is very proud of you!

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023 884 8000

Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Media Gallery

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM


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Do you have questions and want to contact us?
Call or visit us.

023 884 8000

Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM



Developed by Rokir Media Ltd.