Scavenger hunt

The boys and girls of 1st and 2nd class went on a scavenger hunt based on the 5 senses on Friday afternoon. They had to find things such as something yellow, something red, something you can smell, something smooth, something rough, something you can hear etc.

Unsurprisingly tractors and farm machinery featured heavily!

Return to school – useful links

The links below might be of interest to parents as we prepare to return to school:

The following link is to a video message for parents ahead of the start of the new school year:


The link below is to resources created by the Department of Education for parents and students alike:

The Department together with NEPS has developed short video clips to communicate with students and parents about the return to school with key universal messages.

Primary Students (3rd to 6th):

Primary Students (JI to 2nd):

Parent Advice:

Farm and water safety

At this time of year, we would be focusing on the topics of water and farm safety in our SPHE, Geography, Science and PE programmes in all classes. I’m sharing these links with you and I hope you get a chance to go through this vital content with your child.

The water safety activities can be found at   is the agri kids website. It has an app available for android and apple devices and is also running webinars for children on the topic of farm safety which you can access through facebook – I can’t seem to send a link.

Green schools updates

Green Schools Ireland have put together some great resources for pupils during the school closure. Have a look below for some ideas on staying busy!

Aobh is keeping busy!

We were delighted to get these images of some research Aobh has been doing to keep busy during the closure – well done! She more than earned the treat of her chocolate mug cake, the recipe for which she has kindly shared. I look forward to trying this, it looks great.

Go raibh maith agat, Aobh!

Download the recipe for Aobh’s cake by clicking chocolate mug cake

The Abandoned Shack by Liam

One of our wonderful 1st class pupils wrote this excellent short story recently. Maith thú, Liam!

The Abandoned Shack


Once upon a time, there was a kid called Tim. He was ten years old and he had a big brother called Peter. One day Peter and Tim went for a walk in the woods. They got lost but when they looked up over  the brown, cold hills they saw a little shack. It was all broken and covered with moss after thirty eight minutes they got to the shack, they looked at it again. Then it started to rain. The only house in the woods was the shack. They ran into the shack.

It was all dark and there were no lights. Luckily Peter brought his phone and turned his light source on.  Suddenly a piano magically made music. There was a door but there was no way in. Peter turned around and he looked everywhere to open the door. After a while he tripped,suddenly a painting appeared. Tim and Peter ignored it but the painting watched them with his eyes. It wasn’t any old painting, it was a spirit of the person who owned the shack. A magic voice came and said you cannot open the door  unless you find the magic key and until you find the key you won’t be able to enter the next room. After that Tim and Peter searched everywhere for the key. After an hour they got very tired. They tried to have a sleep but they just couldn’t after another hour they found the key behind a statue in the hallway.

The key disappeared then reappeared at the door and opened it. The key disappeared again and Tim and Peter ran through the unlocked door.They saw a stick floating in the air,

Tim said to Peter “ Do you think this is the treasure or what?” Tim touched the stick and it magically brought them home.

The End

Chess activities

Teachers from have been in touch to share these great ideas:

  1. The Ficheall Challenge – challenge the students in your school to teach someone new in their household. It could be a brother or sister, mother or father. To help with this, one of the talented and tech savvy teachers in the Ficheall network has created videos demonstrating the mini-games approach to teaching chess which the Ficheall website details and which are explained at the chess summer courses. These are available on the Ficheall_ie Twitter account here (you don’t need a Twitter account to view) and also on the YouTube channel here.
  2. Moves for Life is running an art competition – design your own chess set from junk materials in the house. All you have to do is make the set, and send a photo of it into See for more details. All sets will be displayed on their facebook page so just photograph the set if you don’t want your child’s photo online.
  3. Chessossity (chess lessons, puzzles) is free for the next two months and they’re running a puzzle-solving championship until May 31st. It starts next Monday 30th March. For more information see this link  and then go to to register.
  4. Chessbud Ireland YouTube Channel – International Master Mark Quinn is planning to upload a new video each week for Irish primary school students who already know the basics of chess and are keen to learn new tactics and strategies. He has created three playlists for students to choose from: Beginner’s Mind (for students who understand the pieces and checkmate), Challengers and Masters. . Where possible Mark will feature the tactics of Irish chess players. He is planning to upload weekly lessons for free during school closures.
  5. are offering free gold membership for the next two months. Lessons, puzzles and online games. Use this link to get free gold membership –

Activities to keep children busy!

Suggested activities for children of all ages from Junior Infants – 6th class:

– Joe Wicks has a huge range of child-friendly workouts on his YouTube channel. He has new ones every morning this week at 9am which last for 30 minutes. You can find these and shorter workouts here

– There are loads of interesting lego challenges and ideas here

– RTE will broadcast 1 hour school lessons from 11am – 12pm each day on RTE2 from next Monday

-The author David Walliams (who is really popular with children!) is doing audio readings from his series The World’s Worst Children every day at 11am. You can find more details at

– You will find more free audible stories for children at

– A teacher in Co. Clare has created this fantastic resource which has plenty of ideas for children of all ages from Junior Infants – 6th class

– 25 non-screen activity suggestions

– There are some lovely Irish stories being read aloud here, you will recognise some of them no doubt! 

Hope these are of some help!

If you need any more ideas or support or if any pupil would like to send us a video or photo of their work or just want to say hi, please be aware that we are monitoring the school email constantly during this closure. The address is

Stay safe everyone, we miss you all and can’t wait to go back to school as soon as it is safe!

Eimear, Mary, Anne, Claire, Carmel and Geraldine


School closure

We hope you are all keeping safe and well in these uncertain times. We will be keeping in touch with you via email and have plenty of suggestions if you need any inspiration for keeping your children busy, just let us know and we will forward those ideas to you.

Wishing you all good health and feel free to stay in touch with us,

Eimear and staff

Parent-teacher meetings and Mid-term break

We will close at 1:55pm this Wednesday February 19th to facilitate parent-teacher meetings. If you are unsure of the time of your appointment please get in touch.

School will be closed on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st of this week for our mid-term break. We hope you all enjoy the well earned break!

Art buddies!

We always start our day on a Wednesday with Reading Buddies but we  changed things up today and had Art Buddies instead! Inspired by the unique work of Wasily Kandinsky, the older pupils helped the younger ones to draw hearts which they then decorated to great effect. The results are simply stunning!



Lego WeDo

It was with a heavy heart that the pupils of the Senior Room parted with the Lego WeDo kits that we borrowed from West Cork Education Centre today. They had a great time exploring all the possibilities the kits offered!

Half day closure

The Department of Education has sanctioned 2 half day closures for all primary schools in order to engage with webinars to support the implementation of the Primary Language Curriculum in the the senior classes. We are to close for a half day in term 2 and again in term 3.

We will take our first half day on Friday March 13th next, finishing at 12pm on that day and will advise of the second closure after the Easter break.

Policies ratified by the BOM

At our meeting last night, the Board of Management ratified our Stay Safe and RSE policy and reviewed our Child Safeguarding Statement and Swimming policy. These documents can be found by clicking on or you will also find them under the ‘Policies’ tab at the top of this page.

Enrolment Day

I think it’s safe to say we had a very successful open day today! We had a mixture of newcomers and younger siblings or cousins. The Junior and Senior Infants did a brilliant job showing their new friends around. Roll on September!

Shoebox fun!

Our fabulous SNAs Claire and Carmel went to great lengths recently to prepare 13 different shoeboxes to challenge our Junior and Senior Infants in a variety of ways. Activities include making jigsaws, using playdough mats, threading, using pegs, squeezing, pinching, making patterns and lots of other ways to improve fine and gross motor skills while working independently. Just look at those faces full of concentration!

Lego WeDo

We recently borrowed ‘Lego WeDo’ kits from the West Cork Education Centre and they are proving to be very popular! The programme combines traditional lego bricks with instructions via an iPad app. Here you can see the pupils of the Senior room helping children from 1st and 2nd class. We can’t wait to have another go!

Enrolment Day

We look forward to welcoming our incoming Junior Infants for their enrolment day on Friday week, January 31st from 12:30 – 13:30. They will meet their new teacher and some of their future classmates while having a good look around their new classroom! Once they are settled, the Mums and Dads will enjoy a cuppa and chat with Eimear in the staffroom where they can ask any questions they have about school life.

We are really looking forward to seeing everyone!

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09:15 AM – 02:55 PM


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Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM



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