Maths Trail

The students from the Senior Room undertook a Maths Trail, which found them outside discovering maths in their school environment. The Trail tested their skills on topics such as: symmetry; area; length; shapes both 2D and 3D; direction; chance; problem solving; lines and angles; multiplication; estimating; and much more!


Policies added

At our most recent Board of Management meeting, we ratified policies on Work Experience / Placement / Teaching Practice and Swimming. They are available to view under the ‘Policies’ tab.

Shadow Art

This week we learned all about the Moon. We discussed how a lunar eclipse happens when the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon casting shadows over the Moon. In Art we created our own shadows.


Enrolment Day – 23.1.2019

Just a reminder that we will hold our annual Enrolment Day for prospective pupils and their parents on Wednesday week January 23rd from 12:30 – 1:30pm.

While it is usually attended with Junior Infants in mind, we would welcome interest from pupils and their parents who may wish to join any of the older classes as well. All are welcome to attend!

Please contact us on 023 8848000 or email if you require any further information and we will be delighted to help you out!

Kahoot quizing!

We learned about the counties of Ireland this week and had a novel way of being examined on what we know – we used an app called Kahoot on the iPad and answered multiple choice questions! It’s not as easy as it looks!


Christmas Concert 19.12.2018

Huge well done to our magnificent pupils who provided a wonderful evening’s entertainment last night in The Celtic Ross Hotel! We saw some amazing, budding talent on display – we are all so proud of you!

A big well done must go the parents too for organising such fantastic costumes!

Thanks to all who donated spot prizes for the raffle as well.

Christmas Holidays

We will close for Christmas holidays this coming Friday December 21st at 12 noon. The bus company have been informed and will be there for collection at 12:00.

We will re-open for the new term on Monday January 7th at 9:10am.

The staff and Board of Management would like to thank you most sincerely for your co-operation and support in the past year and wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

Christmas Play 19.12.2018

After weeks of practice and having worked so hard to learn our lines and songs, we cannot wait to perform for you all tomorrow night!

The Junior Room will present ‘The Elves Go On Strike’ at 7:30pm sharp and that will be followed by the Senior pupils who have prepared ‘Cinderella and Rockafeller’.

All arrangements for tomorrow night and a reminder about our early finish on Friday were contained in a letter that went home today. You can view it by clicking

Any queries, as always, should be directed to us by phone or email.

See you all tomorrow night!

Button art

The pupils of the Senior Room used a variety of different coloured and shaped buttons today to create seasonal cards with Ann. As always, they showed great flair and imagination. Well done everyone!

PE between the showers!

The pupils of the Senior Room took the opportunity to squeeze in some PE with Ann today in between those heavy showers of rain! They set up a variety of circuits and spent time at each one, working in pairs. It looked like great fun!

Enrolment Day January 23rd 2019

It’s hard to believe but we must start thinking ahead to September 2019! With that in mind, prospective parents and pupils are invited to our open day on Wednesday January 23rd from 12:30 – 1:30pm.

We are really looking forward to showing our incoming pupils their new classroom and giving them a chance to meet the staff and their future classmates, some who they know already and some who are friends-in-waiting!

You can e-mail or phone the office if you require any further information. We look forward to meeting you all on the day!

Spots prizes for Christmas raffle

There will be the usual raffle during the interval of our concert on Wednesday December 19th. If anyone would like to donate a spot prize, we would be delighted to accept your donations in the school office between now and the 19th. Thanks for your continued support!

Learning with Numicon

The pupils of 1st – 6th worked on their maths skills collaboratively today. Look carefully for the following creations – a skyscraper, castles of various standards (!), a village, a city, a robot, a rocket, a floating island and a jetpack! These were the pupils’ own creations – their imaginations really are endless!

Christmas Concert 19.12.2018

Unfortunately, we will not be able to have our concert in the Parish Hall this year. The power has been disconnected, leaving it cold, damp and generally unsuitable for use.      We will perform for you instead in the very comfortable surroundings of the function room of the Celtic Ross Hotel on Wednesday December 19th at 7.30pm.

As always, families are most welcome and encouraged to attend! The Junior Room are to perform Elves on Strike while the older pupils will present Cinderella and Rockerfella. It promises to be a great night, more details will follow closer to the time.

Letter home

I have uploaded today’s letter in the ‘Letters home’ tab and the most recently ratified policies – Anti-Bullying and Internet Acceptable Usage in the ‘Policies’ tab following our most recent Board of Management meeting last night.

Midterm break

Our midterm will start a day early tomorrow on account of the school being used as a polling station. I hope you all have a lovely break after such hard work in the last 8 weeks and in advance of the hectic half-term to come up to Christmas!

As regards the school tracksuit, the consensus was to go with a pale blue t-shirt and plain navy tracksuit bottoms (any sweatshirt / jumper is fine). We will start this on Friday November 9th.

Looking forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday November 5th!

Halloween Fun!

We have really enjoyed dressing up for Halloween today! Every pupil made a huge effort, some must have been up applying make-up and face paint very early this morning! It’s just as well we have a break from school coming up!

Music al fresco!

It was such a nice day yesterday that Tonya decided to do her music lesson outside. The pupils were put into groups, given specific rhythms and instruments and then put sequences together. The results were very impressive!

Upcoming events…

We are approaching a very busy time so here are a few reminders of what’s happening in the next week or so:

Tuesday October 23rd: Library Bus – get stocked up with entertainment for the mid-term break!

Thursday October 25th: Dress up for Halloween!

Friday October 26th: No school as the building will be used as a polling station for the presidential election

Monday October 29th – Friday November 2nd inclusive: School closed for the week for a well earned mid-term break! We will re-open on Monday November 5th

Getting to grips with Numicon!

This afternoon, pupils from 1st – 6th came together to explore Numicon. They were undoubtedly sceptical when they saw first saw the materials – Isn’t this for Infants? they asked. But they were well and truly won over by the end of the session! It was a great opportunity for younger and older pupils to work together, the creative juices were well and truly flowing by the time I had to finish the session. We look forward to exploring Numicon further!

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023 884 8000

Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Media Gallery

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM


Developed by Rokir Media Ltd.

Do you have questions and want to contact us?
Call or visit us.

023 884 8000

Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM



Developed by Rokir Media Ltd.