Infants get busy with Numicon!

The pupils in Junior and Senior Infants started the Numicon programme today. Numicon is a multi-sensory maths programme which is especially effective in the younger classes although can be used to challenge pupils of all ages. There are 3 keys aspects to the programme – it encourages children to communicate in mathematical terms, it explores relationships between numbers and focuses on problem solving. Although devised in New Zealand, it complements the work of the Irish curriculum in a fun, enjoyable way. Children learn in a very hands-on manner.

We borrowed the equipment from another school for now but will be investing for ourselves very soon. You can learn more at

Music with Tonya

The pupils from 1st – 6th have been learning about the history of Irish music with Tonya, going all the way back to Celtic times. Today they composed their own song with very impressive results!

Senior Room Projects

The pupils of the Senior Room were recently given the project title ‘Someone who inspires me’. After hours of research and careful gathering of information, the projects were presented on Wednesday and are displayed in school. They did a magnificent job and we all learned a lot from each other!

1st and 2nd learning on the iPads!

The pupils of 1st and 2nd worked on their maths skills using school iPads this afternoon! One of my favourite sites to use with pupils of all ages is – it has a huge variety of games to suit children of all abilities, many of which are tablet-friendly. The children are so busy enjoying themselves they hardly realise they are working at all!

Colouring, cutting and sticking robots

I always find that young children always get such enjoyment from cutting activities which are vital for motor skill development. Today, the boys and girl of Junior and Senior Infants named, coloured and cut out robots before sticking them to paper with pritt stick. They did a super job!

Reading buddies!

The older pupils read stories to the Junior and Senior Infants this morning. This is a hugely mutually beneficial activity in that young children love being read to and the older ones thrive on such responsibility. It really is win / win! We look forward to more of these activities in the not too distant future!

Fun at yard time!

There were all sorts of games going on during break today – a big game of dodgeball, hopscotch, soccer and of course essential farming works too! We finished as we always do with Active Circles – exercise time led by pupils of the Senior Room.


Caleb’s Art

Caleb has started the new year the same way he finished the last one – sharing his fantastic artistic creations! I especially like the black John Deere tractor. What a talent this young man has!

New school year!

We are really looking forward to welcoming everyone back for the new school year next Monday September 3rd. We can’t wait to hear what all our pupils have been up to during the summer holidays!

School will open, as normal, from 9:10am with classes commencing at 9:20am. We would appreciate if pupils were not dropped before 9:10am as we use this time to meet, plan and prepare for the day ahead. School will finish at 1pm for Junior Infants, 2pm for Senior Infants and 3pm for 1st – 6th classes. Junior Infants will continue to finish at 1pm up to and including Friday September 14th. From Monday September 17th they will finish at 2pm.

You can find information about closures and holidays under the ‘Calendar’ tab at the top of this page. We would strongly urge you to plan holidays around these closures as absences can be very disruptive to children’s learning.

If you ever have concerns, questions or comments about any aspect of school life, please feel free to get in touch by phoning the school or emailing to make an appointment. We are always happy to talk to you!

See you all next Monday!

Farewell to Rang a Sé

It was a bittersweet occasion saying goodbye to our 6th class pupils. While we are all sad to see them go, we know that they are ready for fresh challenges in secondary school and we wish them the very best of luck in September.

Before they left, the four pupils planted two trees in the yard which will always remind us of their unique contribution to our school over the past number of years. We were delighted to have the parents of the 4 pupils in attendance, as well as Jerry O’Sullivan (Chairperson, Board of Management) and guest of honour, retired Principal Jean Dignan.

Pizza time!

The pupils of the Senior Room cooked pizzas yesterday as part of the Agri Aware Incredible Edibles programme. We used Irish produce and the results were very tasty!

Summer holidays Wednesday June 27th

Just a reminder that we will finish at 12pm this coming Wednesday for our summer holidays.

We will return for the new school year on Monday September 3rd at 9:20am. On that day school will finish at 1pm for Junior Infants, 2pm for Senior Infants and 3pm for 1st – 6th classes. Junior Infants will continue to finish at 1pm up to and including Friday September 14th. From Monday September 17th they will finish at 2pm.

Sports Day!

We had superb weather for our Sports Day yesterday!

We kicked it off with Circuits for Everyone where the pupils of the Senior Room led the younger children in various exercises for 20 minutes (a big ask in such heat!).

Then everyone played novelty games in the yard and on the pitch including welly throw, musical statues, beanbag throw, guess the name of the teddy, guess the amount of popcorn in the jar, peg on the line, guess which cup the ball is under, penalty shootout and score through the tyre.

Next we had class races where pupils had to find the cone marked with their name and the Senior Pupils had to run in their socks, find their shoes and tie them – not as easy as it sounds!

To finish our day, we enjoyed the home baking that pupils and parents had prepared – it was well earned after such efforts all afternoon!

Huge well done to the pupils of the Senior Room who devised the schedule for the day, set up and supervised the games. A massive thank you to the Parents who were able to attend, contributed goodies and helped with the tidy-up. It was a huge team effort!

Visit of Jennifer Barry!

We were delighted to welcome actress Jennifer Barry to Reenascreena yesterday. Our shared Resource teacher, Fachtna, was Jennifer’s teacher in Kilbrittain in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class.

Jennifer talked about where her love of acting started and encouraged everyone to give it a go! The pupils had a great chat with her – once they got over the shock of seeing a real TV personality in their classroom!

Thanks Jennifer!

Data Protection Policy

We have updated our Data Protection Policy in line with recent GDPR changes. You can view our policy which was ratified by the Board of Management at its most recent meeting on June 11th by clicking on the ‘Policies’ tab above.

2nd – 6th go on tour!

We had a fantastic time on our school tour yesterday!

Our day started in Ballincollig Regional Park where we played soccer, basketball and ran around the playground in glorious sunshine. We also had a picnic!

Then we went to Blackrock Castle Observatory where we had a tour of the castle, spent time in the Planetarium learning about stars and planets and played the Comet Chaser game before our lunch. Afterwards we made 3 different types of rockets. The best part was launching them at the castle walls!

We were blessed with excellent weather and the children’s behaviour was as excellent as always. Roll on next year’s tour!


Calendar for 2018-2019

The calendar for next year is now available by clicking the ‘Calendar’ tab above. Please keep these dates in mind when booking breaks / holidays. Missed days can have a very negative impact on a child’s progress in school.

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09:15 AM – 02:55 PM


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023 884 8000

Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM



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