Friday Funday in the Junior Room!

Pupils from Juniors – 2nd were very busy today. Our book of the week was ‘Oi frog!’ and everyone drew their favourite part. The results are simply amazing! Everyone’s individual picture is on their Seesaw account so parents please log in to see for yourself!

We also had our first Golden Time of the year as a reward for great work and great behaviour all week. There was lots of sharing and endless laughing!

Maith sibh a pháistí, your teacher is very proud of you!

Senior Room Tour 2022

What a day! Our senior room students were able to participate in their very own team build experience. The Teachers have all said how proud they are of the students teamwork and support for one another.

Well done everyone!

Review of Child Protection policy

At our Board of Management meeting last night, we reviewed our Child Protection policy. Be assured that we are fully compliant with all aspects of Child Protection in this school.

The Designated Liaison Person is Eimear O’Donovan and Deputy Designated Liaison Person is Colm O’Mahony. If you have any concerns about a pupil in our school, please contact us immediately.

You can view this and other relevant policies by clicking on the ‘policies’ tab above. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Enrolment for September 2022

We are now enrolling pupils for the coming school year, starting in September 2022.

If you would like a copy of our information booklet or have any questions about our school, please contact us by emailing

We hope to hold an open day before the end of the current school year, depending on public health guidelines. In the meantime we would be happy to arrange a tour of our facilities at a times that suits in the coming weeks.

School reopens Sept 1st


The new school year is almost upon us! We will reopen our doors to our terrific pupils on Wednesday September 1st at 9:05am.

We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces – amongst our pupils and staff! We have 9 new Junior Infants joining our school. They will be taught in Eimear’s room alongside Senior Infants and 1st class. For the next year only, 2nd class will join the ranks of the Senior Room where they and their classmates from 3rd – 6th will be taught by Colm – our new teacher!

We also welcome Fionnuala who is our new SNA and it’s hello again to our other SNA Claire who is now the longest serving member of staff, we welcome back Niamh who will be our shared Special Education Teacher and Kay who came onboard as our Secretary in March.

If you have queries in advance of the new year, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

Le meas,


First Confession 2021

On Monday 24th of May two of our second class students made their First Confession in Carrigfadda Church  It was a lovely service by Fr.McCarthy in preparation for the students First Holy Communion later in the year.



Easter 2021

The Senior Room got creative making colourful nests from recycled fabric and filling them with cute little chicks and delicious Easter treats

The Junior Room made Easter decorations for the Easter Rabbit …. we’re sure the bunny came to everyone!

Scavenger hunt!

One of the Junior Room’s absolutely favourite activities is a scavenger hunt! Last week Ann had 1st and 2nd looking for items starting with each letter of the alphabet while Junior and Senior Infants had to find objects of certain colours. They had a great time working together!

Putting the iPads to good use!

1st and 2nd have started using the iPads to reinforce the tables that they are working so hard to learn. One of our favourite websites for all classes which we highly recommend is The game hit the button is especially excellent for developing speed when it comes to number facts. It hardly feels like work at all!

1st class Maths

One of the best investments we have made in recent years has been in the Maths programme, Numicon. The children absolutely love using the pieces which help reinforce mathematical concepts. Here you will see rang a haon using Numicon to learn about the number 18 and explore the various ways to make that number.

Super Science Week 2020!

Oh how we wish it was Science Week every week!

We did a variety of experiments which were so much fun. Like proper scientists, we wrote our predictions and recorded the results. We did the bubbling potions experiment, put a gummy bear sweet in water for 4 days and created a marble run.

Hard at (literacy!) work

Junior and Senior Infants have been working so hard on their letter names and sounds. They love being challenged so in addition to breaking down words and sounding them out from the ones Eimear writes on the whiteboard, they also spend time writing letters and words on their own individual mini whiteboards and in play doh. They are such hard workers!

ard at literac

Halloween Fun!

We had great fun in school last Friday when everyone dressed up in costumes for Halloween! Luckily it was nice and dry for our parade! There was lots of Halloween themed work done in school all week so a little party was called for before we finished up for our well earned midterm break!


We borrowed a set of Beebots from West Cork Education Centre this week and the boys and girls of 1st and 2nd are having so much fun with them! We definitely have some future computer programmers in our midst!

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Call or visit us.

023 884 8000

Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Media Gallery

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM


Developed by Rokir Media Ltd.

Do you have questions and want to contact us?
Call or visit us.

023 884 8000

Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM



Developed by Rokir Media Ltd.