Writing buddies

It’s always great fun when we get the 2 rooms together and today the task was to create a missing reindeer poster for Dasher based on a lovely story from the twinkl website called The lost collar. The results are fantastic! Well done everyone!

Elf on the shelf…

As many Mums and Dads know, there’s no escaping the elf on the shelf. Ours landed recently and has taken no time at all to make herself at home. She wasn’t too happy with the mention she got at news time this morning and we came back from break to this message…

Willow Den in the garden

We were delighted to work with the pre-school on planting a Willow Den in the garden. Nikki Keeling from the Heritage in Schools Scheme came by on Friday with the knowledge and all important willow and the pupils of the Senior Room together with Anne and Nikki did the bulk of the hard work! The pupils of the Junior Room helped with the weaving once the den itself had been constructed. It was a great day’s work and we really look forward to seeing the willow grow. Well done everyone!

The wonder of Wayne!

The pupils of the Senior Room had a friendly competition recently based around creating a catch phrase to make us more environmentally aware. The standard was very high but there could only be one winner and it was Wayne. Maith sibh go léir!

Food dudes continues

We are really enjoying the Food Dudes programme. Now that we have tasted all the fruit and veg, we know what to expect every day. The pupils are giving things a go that they don’t necessarily like already which is great to see!


High achievers!

Well done to Sacha, Fionn and Liam who brought in their hard earned trophies and medals recently! Sacha is very talented at Irish Dancing while Fionn and Liam were celebrating success in chess. Maith sibh go léir!

Food dudes!

We are taking part in the Food Dudes programme and today was our first tasting session. We tried out cucumber and mandarins with great success. We look forward to seeing what we will be trying tomorrow!

Reading buddies!

We had a great start to our day today when the pupils of the Junior Room paired up with the older classes for a session of reading buddies! It was a great success and so beneficial for all the children. We look forward to doing it all again very soon!

Our bug hotel!

We were delighted to be entered into a draw by our friends from the pre-school to win a bug hotel from Skibbereen Garden Centre and even more thrilled when we were picked as one of the winners! It was delivered last week and already Fiona, Caroline, Sarah and their pupils have been busy making it as cosy as possible. We can’t wait to see who visits!

Science Experiment – First and Second Classes

Next it was the turn of the pupils from first and second whose experiment was a little more challenging that the Infants’ one. This was called ‘Rainbows in a Jar’. It involved mixing oil with warm water before transferring the mixture to a jar and adding food colouring.

The pupils from the Senior Room came to observe and helped the younger pupils think about changes that could be made to cause different outcomes.

Science week – Juniors and Seniors

The pupils of Junior and Senior Infants took part in an experiment called ‘The Dancing Raisins’. We had great fun watching the fizz in the sparkling water cause our raisins to dance around! The 1st and 2nd class pupils gave great assistance to their younger classmates when they were writing their predictions and recording the results.


Halloween fun!

There’s just a little hint of excitement in the Junior Room this morning! We have vampires, witches, farming contractors, superheroes, princesses, skeletons, a Grim Reaper, a knight and a clown in our midst!

Halloween writing buddies!

It’s always great fun when both rooms get together! Today it was for a Halloween themed writing buddy session. Pupils of the Junior Room were paired with peers from the older classes to write and draw about the topic of Halloween.

It was a great success and we look forward to working together again very soon!

Mid-term break

Just a reminder that we will close for mid-term break next week and will re-open on Monday November 4th.

Children can dress up in Halloween costumes on Friday if they wish. School will finish at the usual times of 13:55 and 14:55.

I would like to thank you all most sincerely for your co-operation this term and wish you all a very enjoyable break next week.


Playtime is one of the most popular times in our Junior Infants – 2nd class room. It is a vital part of children’s development in terms of turn taking, sharing, problem-solving and a whole range of social skills.

Crackers about Kahoot!

The pupils of 1st and 2nd have been having great fun doing quizzes on a website called Kahoot. The teacher creates a quiz and pupils imput the unique code on the iPad app. Points are awarded for every correct answer with the person answering quickest getting the most points. We used quizzes to assess our knowledge of each chapter of our novel ‘George Speaks’ by Dick King-Smith. We will be doing plenty more of these in future!

We love to read!

There is great excitement every second Tuesday when the library bus pays a visit. The pupils of the Junior Room couldn’t wait to get stuck into their choices – and yes the underfloor heating was turned on for extra comfort!

Aistear – Halloween

The pupils of the Junior Room are learning so much about Halloween this month.

Today’s activities included threading for Junior Infants, cutting and sticking letters for Senior Infants, cracking a code for 1st and 2nd and in mixed groups pupils were tasked with making 3D spooky Halloween houses. A superb day’s work by anyone’s standard!

Lego workshop!

We were delighted to welcome Eileen and Donncha from Bricks4Kids to our school for Lego workshops as part of Maths week activities today! The pupils of Junior and Senior Infants had terrific fun building clock towers (it was every bit as challenging as it sounds!)

3rd class gather data

3rd class pupils are learning about data at present. They visited the Junior Room to ask the younger children 2 questions – what is their favourite sport and what is their favourite colour. We look forward to seeing the results!

Relaxing on a Friday!

After a hectic day involving painting, Gaelic football, Golden Time, listening to projects and a little bit of work, the boys in 1st and 2nd spent the last part of their day checking out some new books that were ordered especially for them. It’s a hard life!

Senior Room projects

The pupils of the Senior Room spent a couple of weeks preparing projects on The 7 Wonders Of The World. They were tasked with sourcing information, making illustrations and devising a rap as well!

They presented their work to their peers and the pupils from 1st and 2nd classes on Friday afternoon. The projects were of a very high standard. Well done to all the pupils and their teacher, Adrian.

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Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

Monday – Friday:
09:15 AM – 02:55 PM



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