Top class work!

Joaquin has been working on counting skills at home. This is great work, well done!

Green schools updates

Green Schools Ireland have put together some great resources for pupils during the school closure. Have a look below for some ideas on staying busy!

Aobh is keeping busy!

We were delighted to get these images of some research Aobh has been doing to keep busy during the closure – well done! She more than earned the treat of her chocolate mug cake, the recipe for which she has kindly shared. I look forward to trying this, it looks great.

Go raibh maith agat, Aobh!

Download the recipe for Aobh’s cake by clicking chocolate mug cake

The Abandoned Shack by Liam

One of our wonderful 1st class pupils wrote this excellent short story recently. Maith thú, Liam!

The Abandoned Shack


Once upon a time, there was a kid called Tim. He was ten years old and he had a big brother called Peter. One day Peter and Tim went for a walk in the woods. They got lost but when they looked up over  the brown, cold hills they saw a little shack. It was all broken and covered with moss after thirty eight minutes they got to the shack, they looked at it again. Then it started to rain. The only house in the woods was the shack. They ran into the shack.

It was all dark and there were no lights. Luckily Peter brought his phone and turned his light source on.  Suddenly a piano magically made music. There was a door but there was no way in. Peter turned around and he looked everywhere to open the door. After a while he tripped,suddenly a painting appeared. Tim and Peter ignored it but the painting watched them with his eyes. It wasn’t any old painting, it was a spirit of the person who owned the shack. A magic voice came and said you cannot open the door  unless you find the magic key and until you find the key you won’t be able to enter the next room. After that Tim and Peter searched everywhere for the key. After an hour they got very tired. They tried to have a sleep but they just couldn’t after another hour they found the key behind a statue in the hallway.

The key disappeared then reappeared at the door and opened it. The key disappeared again and Tim and Peter ran through the unlocked door.They saw a stick floating in the air,

Tim said to Peter “ Do you think this is the treasure or what?” Tim touched the stick and it magically brought them home.

The End

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Scoil Náisiúnta Rae na Scríne, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork P85 XE17

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